December Specials
Browse our December specials and see how much you can save with Midwest Construction today.
- Up to $66 Off Per Opening
- Trade in your old windows and receive up to $66 per window opening! Use our Instant Cash Offer* not valid with other offers or prior sales. *Up to 100 Unite Inches & You must present offer upon initial visit.
- Up to $660 Off New Siding
- Use our Instant Cash Coupon and save $660 off Complete Siding Job Installed. All Colors Available. *Not valid with other offers or prior sales,* Must be over 1,000 Square Feet*
- $660 Off New Sun Room
- Save $660 on a new sun room purchase. *Studio or Gabled sun rooms available. *Not valid with other offers or prior sales. You must present coupon upon the initial visit.
- 66% Off Cost of Labor on Seamless Gutters with Gutter Cap Stone Coat
- Save 66% Off the cost of labor. Not valid with other offers or prior sales.